lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

Name: Jessica Seminario


       I consider that the learning of farm animals is important because in Cuenca exist farm animals and some students have contact with them.  Also, it will help to classify which are the farm animals.

My topic about farm animals contains different activities for children. As a warm-up activity students will read a funny comic in order to introduce the new topic in the class. 

      Students can develop speaking, listening, writing and reading skills since activities are developed to introduce a topic.  For example, Voki is a tool to introduce the class or a new topic, developing listening skill. So students can engage from the beginning of the class through this character. Also, students will be able to develop reading skills through the video "The farm animals.”   

       I loved this course because I learnt to use some amazing and new programs in order to improve the teaching-learning process. All these technological tools will be helpful to do more fun and dynamic classes. 

   The use of ICT´s in the classroom is an important resource to be incorporated because it is a useful way to teach and learn in an interesting way. In addition, teacher and students take advantages of the use of ICT´s in the class.

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